Feedback Mechanism

The Institute has an established mechanism of obtaining the feedback from the stakeholders viz. students, teachers, employers and alumni.
At the end of every session, a pre-defined feedback form with a scaled questionnaire covering various necessary/academic aspects are given to the stakeholders. The feedback forms are taken back and statistically analyzed. The feedback so received is discussed by the Director of the Institute with the Faculty members to know the various strengths and weaknesses. Strategies are formulated to improve upon the shortcomings. The core suggestions are implemented through various activities like remedial classes, question bank to the students, suggestions to teachers to improve their teaching, resolution of the queries of the students, mentor-mentee scheme, etc.
Feedback Forms

Feedback Analysis

Both the quantitative and qualitative methods are used for the analysis of feedback. Feedback form comprises of 14 items for undergraduate students, 17 for postgraduate students, 16 for teachers and 20 for alumni.
The questions are aimed at aspects like:
  • whether syllabus meets the aims and objectives.
  • the depth of the course content.
  • whether syllabus is career oriented or not.
  • the sequence of the units in the syllabus.
  • the sequence of the units in the syllabus.
  • right balance between the theory and practical in the syllabus.
  • whether it inculcates the motivation for research.
  • whether the curriculum is industry interactive.
  • whether relevant books are sufficiently available in the library.
Feedback Analysis

Action Taken on Feedback

The Institute values the feedback from its stakeholders and constantly works on the upgradation of the syllabi of various courses. Taking in consideration the views of the stakeholders and need for the advancement, we had proposed new syllabus to the university for all the four courses run by the institution.
The new syllabus has been approved by the University (RTMNU, Nagpur) vide notification no. 329 dated 31st December 2019 and would be implemented from the Academic session 2020-21.
Action Taken Report